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Iris is a camera-based tool for faster and automatic projector calibration.

2 Camera Options

Iris OptiTrack

OptiTrack's cameras

OptiTrack’s ultra fast power-over-ethernet cameras capable of detecting active and passive markers.

Iris LightAct

LightAct's power-over-ethernet cameras

Industrial machine vision cameras allowing you to change lenses on the go.

Embedded Markers

With Iris OptiTrack you can embed small and inconspicuous active or passive markers on your projection object.

This allows you to calibrate the entire system automatically even if the cameras were accidently moved after initial calibration.

You can also program LightAct to initiate unattended re-calibration of the entire system automatically.

Fine Tuning

On top of automatic calibration, LightAct also gives you a number of extremely powerful tools to fine-tune your projection mapping using several layers of warping, color correction and blending.

And what’s more, using LightAct’s node-base visual scripting, these adjustment layers work seamlessly with automatic re-calibration of the entire system.

Create the Experience